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Here you will find the links to purchase our latest music as MP3. Click on your favourite shop and you will forwarded to the MP3 pages.


You find also a detailed track listing and the related music snippets.



Harfein 6

Harzfein 6 - Released: 2013

Harzfein Studios


A1 - Magnetic Bass Force / DJ Magic Mayer

"In My Mind"

A2 - Butterfly Crash - "Brutal"

A3 - Magnetic Bass Force "Machine Rhythm"

B1 - DJ Magic Mayer "732011711"

B2* - "Der Beat geht ewig"


* Only available on vinyl !


Available at:



If you would like to purchase one of our rare Vinyl EP's, you can request it using the form below. Fill out the required fields carefully and we will contact you as soon as possible with further details.

Sorry if we don' t reply immediately. We try to answer your request as soon as possible !



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